
The official blog of Lotusball ™

Merry Christmas!

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I am on a Shinkansen speeding back to Osaka from Kamakura, where I spent an excellent weekend with Sally and friends. We had a great Christmas party with a full English style Christmas dinner that just never seemed to end. It was fantastic.
We are approaching Shizuoka, it’s just after 17:00 and the sunset is quite a amazing. If only I had my own good digital camera…

I am listening to the amazing Thai album (about which I have raved on numerous occasions) and as always it isn’t failing to deliver.

So what else is new? Not much, really. As the year draws to a close, there’s the usual increase in work intensity as we rush to get everything done this year. It’s going to be a hard week, but in a few days it will all be over.

As for the new year- no specific plans but there are a couple of places I do intend visit on the 31st. I will have about a week off after that; during which it will be great to get out, hopefully see some snow, catch up with The Flounder for the 2005 Editor’s Conference and generally cause some mischief.

I will post this when I get home. Pictures are soon to follow.

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas.

Written by JK

December 26th, 2004 at 1:15 am

Posted in Ramblings

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