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Big Surrender

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Ghosty’s Big Surrender is the song doing the heavy rotation rounds on iTunes at the moment. Actually, it wouldn’t surprise me if this was also one of those songs I loved in my university days and then forgot.

In completely unrelated news, I got the results of a health-check I took at the beginning of December. Basically, I am healthy and my numbers are all within the “normal” range except for one.
My cholesterol numbers were off the charts. I think the way of measuring cholesterol in Japan is a little different from the West, but nonetheless, according to the Japanese figures, the ideal range is 130ish to 220ish. I was 340.

I think I need to start getting healthy. I will do it next year. Fresh slate and all that. That’ll be my one and only new year’s resolution.


Written by JK

December 22nd, 2004 at 4:29 am

Posted in Sounds

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