
The official blog of Lotusball ™

Archive for the ‘blogging’ tag


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Over the last year or so Mixi has become an unbelievable underground phenomenon. It’s Blog 2.0. It takes blogging to an entirely new level.

It would be wrong to just call it a call blog, for it’s a viral social networking mechanism that takes on a life of it’s own. If you look at my page you’ll see there’s an introduction of who I am, a picture, and then a pictures of (and links to) the people with whom I am connected. They’re my friends in the Mixi-sphere. There’s also a list of the communities of which I am a member and by cross-referencing all of this information you find yourself with a tool that connects you to hundreds of thousands of people all over Japan (and even the world) with amazing precision. Say I want to meet (in either the virtual or real sense) a fellow early-thirties, MTB freak who likes jazz and who is either blood type A or type O and female (or any combination of factors) then this can be accomplished in seconds. This is how the communities are built in Mixi-land.

“Do you Mixi?” has entered the vernacular and is as common and innocent as “What’s your email address?”.

Mixi also has built in diaries (but it integrates well with RSS-based blogs) a message-system, and so much more. And it’s all free.

If you can understand Japanese then you definitely owe it to yourself to sign up, and be part of the revolution.

Information wants to be free.

Written by JK

February 3rd, 2005 at 10:33 pm

Posted in Ramblings

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By jove!

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I may have enabled the Read More link (which I renamed as “Permalink”) to appear at the bottom of each post! It seems that the last 4 hours were not in vain after all.
It’s a beautiful afternoon, I am feeling pretty much human again, and I have to go to graf soon.

Written by JK

July 26th, 2004 at 9:36 pm

Posted in Ramblings

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How do I get back?

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The post where Aloysius tells of his anguish.
When this blog first started (I think it was in March) I was a little overwhelmed by the difficulty of iBlog. Sure, it’s simple to use in its default settings, but trying to change anything was very hit and miss. And the documentation was (and still is) poor.

I am sure that at the beginning, each posting was post-pended with a “read more”, category and “email me” link, but now, for some reason, all I have is the category. How the hell do I get back to the standard config?
Anyone? Anyone?

Written by JK

July 26th, 2004 at 9:35 pm

Posted in Ramblings

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I was cursing iBlog because it makes it such a pain to blog from two computers. My desktop (naturally) stays at home, while my iBook goes with me where ever I may be (usually it’s work!). I was wondering how to solve the problem when I thought about BlogSnaps…I remember it having been mentioned, but didn’t really know what it did. So I just signed up and now here I am, writing a test entry from a web browser. The blog-syncing and email blogging features are two things that I am particularly interested in.

Stay tuned.

Written by JK

July 4th, 2004 at 9:12 pm

Posted in Geekin' Around

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