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Wave of mutilation

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Somehow The Pixies’ song seemed to be the right title for this post. I got up a couple of hours ago, made a coffee and logged onto BBC’s News page and was completely stunned by the headlines I saw. As I clicked and read more and more about the massive earthquake and accompanying tsunami I was completely shocked. No doubt over the next day or two the real horror of this tragedy will unfold. My cousin, planning on being in Phuket for the Christmas/New Year period was fortunately still in the Philippines. It appears that thousands of other tourists weren’t quite so lucky, not to mention the locals living in the affected areas.

I don’t have a TV but this is one of those times when I wish I could actually see more than photos on a web page. I just cannot comprehend the destruction, the size of the wall of water. My imagination is working overtime.

Written by JK

December 27th, 2004 at 1:16 am

Posted in Ramblings

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