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Archive for the ‘bangkok’ tag

Did I mention…

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Ahh. The Thai life.

Ahh. The Thai life.

Can’t remember whether I told you or not just how fantastic Thailand is.

If I didn’t, then, well it is.

Written by JK

December 21st, 2004 at 1:14 am

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Back in Japan

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I’m home.

Surrounded by washing. It’s cold, too.

I want to go back to Thailand.

Written by JK

December 16th, 2004 at 1:09 am

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Made it to Bangkok early this morning. Had a good day. I am staying here tonight, and then tomorrow I am off to some beautiful island with some friends. It will be my first time at the beach in ages. I can’t wait. The weather is lovely- so nice to not be freezing!
My net connectivity may be sporadic (and certainly unpredictable) so those of you who email me may have to wait until I get back to Japan. If you need to call me, my mobile number (here in Thailand) is (+66) 06-022-6809

Written by JK

December 14th, 2004 at 1:08 am

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Out of time, out of London

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I am two hours or so into my 13 hour flight to Bangkok. So far so good. The in-flight meal of green curry hit the spot. It is now 14:30 London time, or 21:30 Bangkok time. I guess that means that I should really go to bed in a couple of hours. I don’t think I will have any trouble getting to sleep- last night I got home from Glasgow (and the arduous trek from the airport to my office) on the good side of 1am, but ended up being awake until around 4am as I was manning the ‘phones and trying to get my packing done. Upon checkin at Heathrow this morning (from December 1st, the super convenient, life-saving “check-in-at-Paddington-station” service was suspended, so after lugging my cases to the airport on the Heathrow Express) found that I was 3 kilogrammes over my 30kg limit, but the ground staffer very kindly let me get away with it “just this once”. Thank goodness.

That’s about all I can think of writing at the moment. Hopefully Bangkok will be a paradise of unsecured, open wireless networks so that I can get this posted. If not, don’t know what I will I do.

Those of you on GSM networks will still be able to reach on my UK mobile until Wednesday night.

Written by JK

December 12th, 2004 at 12:54 am

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Best title for this post wins a vodka tonic

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Fancy living here?

Fancy living here?

Now who wouldn’t want to live in a house like this?
This is another example of why I loved Bangkok so much.

What a place. What a place…

Written by JK

October 4th, 2004 at 11:50 pm

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One night in Bangkok

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Perhaps the cheesiest title for a blog post, ever, but true. We were actually only there for one night.

Wednesday Sept 29: Arrived in Bangkok at dawn. Took a taxi to our hotel, the Sukhotai. The hotel was great- not only is it one of the best-designed hotels I have ever seen, with amazing facilities and restaurants, the service was incredible. Quite a change from London. The hotel kindly let us check in 9 hours early (and also agreed to let us have a late check out too), I spent the time in the bath, and then took my newspapers outside where I sat by the pool, ate, drank, swam, read and slept like there was no tomorrow.
The next thing I remember was Taka waking me up at 12:30 telling me that we were meeting Chico at 13:00. We spent the rest of the afternoon being showed around shops, visiting showrooms and meeting designers.
Went to “Anna’s Café” for dinner. An interesting combination of genuine Thai food followed by Italian coffees and English desserts. We then went to the most amazing bar I have ever been too. Ever. A bar on the top of a 64 storey building. ON THE TOP. No roof. Only a one-metre high glass handrail between you and the pavement. I have never thought of myself as being acrophobic, but this bar was actually kind of unsettling. Very international, well-heeled crowd too. I felt right at home.

to be continued…

Written by JK

October 3rd, 2004 at 11:48 pm

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