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Wired for Sound

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Every decade, society witnesses some sort of massive, unprecedented development; economic, technical, natural or even chemical, which defines the moment and forever changes the direction of social evolution.

Since this decade is really only half-finished (or half-begun) I don’t want to be premature in judging what it may be. For the 90’s though, I think you’d all agree it was the democratisation of the internet, and introduction, acceptance and use of the web and email.

For the 80’s I think it was the introduction of the Walkman. Music wants to be free. The introduction not only of the mechanical device itself, but the concept of the portability of music has had a massive effect on the way society (at least in developed countries) has developed. Not to mention the economic and cultural effects. The thing that triggered this early morning mental meandering was Cliff Richard’s “Wired for Sound” which I listened to after a particularly invigorating shower and remember fondly as a 10 year old, and for those who grew up on music videos, will certainly remember that “Wired for Sound” was the Walkman song.
But the other thing that grabbed me was the realisation that “Wired for Sound” was perhaps the first ever rap song. Three minutes of catching rhythms. A story being told. Boasting of prowess. Sure enough, Cliff Richard isn’t the sort of guy to say something as obvious or explicit as “I got a sawn-off, squeeze the trigger and bodies are hollowed out” or “My AK-47 is a tool, don’t make me act the motherfuckin’ fool” but nonetheless, there is definite macho posturing in there.

Go listen.

Written by JK

April 6th, 2006 at 3:40 am

Posted in Sounds

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