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Cleaning Out My Camera

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I was deleting all the stuff that has built up in my phone, and found these pictures that I had forgotten all about:

052620050011This is Coronita giving an Okinawan fisherman-dude a ride.



A view from my balcony, and the aquarium near my house.

The Honorable Lord Flounder

The Honorable Lord Flounder

The Hon. Lord Flounder.

06182005Lunch at Kua Aina (the Hawaiian hamburger chain) at Namba Parks with Graeme and Justine.

It’s been a pretty action-packed week or so. Wasn’t feeling too crash hot last week (probably Juneitis, a common Japanese medical condition that occurs in June) so I didn’t ride or swim at all. It meant that today, while the ride was as exhilarating as always, I couldn’t quite maintain my usual average speed, and my swim was pathetic.

There’s always tomorrow.

Written by JK

June 20th, 2005 at 7:04 pm

Posted in Ramblings

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