
The official blog of Lotusball ™

Back in Osaka

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I got back to Osaka yesterday after a long, tiring and sleepless flight. With the worst breakfast ever served by a human being. If any Lufthansa people are reading this, then take note. What the hell are you people serving? I know I am only in cattle class, but still, I ain’t actually cattle.

Anyway, the last couple of pictures. The first is our departure from Frankfurt- it started snowing the morning we left, and the second is what your chin would see (if it had eyes) as you drink a wheat beer. Damn, those beers were good.

Well, I had better start getting efficient. There are hundreds of people wanting my attention, thousands of emails awaiting a reply, and millions of tasks on my executable actions list.

Here we go.

Bye Frankfurt

Bye Frankfurt

Hello beer!

Hello beer!

Written by JK

March 7th, 2005 at 11:14 pm

Posted in Ramblings

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