
The official blog of Lotusball ™

981 km/h

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So… I am somewhere in the sky over Moscow at the moment. Flying at 981 km/h. Seven hours and fifty-five minutes remaining until I can breathe Osaka air. Somehow, flying home always seems so much easier. So much more bearable. At least I have the seat next to me as a repository for my collection of newspapers and magazines. And a bit of extra elbow-room.

I can’t believe it is all over. We came, we saw, we took pictures, we wrote articles, we ate sausages and we left. Arriving in Geneva (on Monday, which was only 6 days ago) seems like an eternity. The Mazda MX-5 launch party, chocolate eclairs, roast duck, icy winds, Turkish kebabs… Geneva had it all.

What Geneva also had was stupidly high prices. Kazuya and I, whilst searching for a place for dinner in downtown Geneva, came across some fast food burger joints. Burger King had their Whopper set available for just under 11 Swiss Francs. McDonald’s, which was right next door, had their Big Mac set available for 11.95 ChF, Now just pause for a moment… a Big Mac set, which in Japan is about 600 JpY, (or about 5.80 USD) costs 1040 JpY or just over 10 USD. Incredible. By the way, we ended up eating Turkish that night.

More later. I am a bit sleepy. It’s now 16:45 Saturday (in Germany) or 00:45 Sunday in Japan. Might be worth having a nap soon.

B’ bye.

Written by JK

March 6th, 2005 at 11:12 pm

Posted in Ramblings

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