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Bonjour from Geneva

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I am in Geneva.

What a great city. It’s like Japan; safe, clean, kind people. It’s also like Europe; quaint, cultured and elegant.

I like it.

Unfortunately though, we leave the hotel in the early morning before any shops are open. We finish late when only bars are open. So from where I am standing, it’s a pretty dead city. I am sure it must be bustling during the day.

Anyway, I took a few pictures today with my new phone. I am surprised at how good the quality is. Anyway, take a look for yourself. The pictures are of one of the more peculiar cars on exhibit today. The Toyota “Aygo”. A car that Toyota are aggressively pushing to “young urban hipsters”. Their bean-counters must have calculated that this was where the money is. Anyway, good luck to them. The car below is (of course) a concept. But it’s interesting to see that Toyota think that putting a DJ booth into a car makes it hip. But first, a picture of the inside of the motor show:

The Geneva Motorshow

The Geneva Motorshow

And here is the Toyota Aygo;

The extendible Aygo

The extendible Aygo

Not much room for humans

Not much room for humans

Always on standby for a party

Always on standby for a party

Written by JK

March 2nd, 2005 at 10:37 pm

Posted in Ramblings

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