
The official blog of Lotusball ™

So much happens in a week

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It’s been a week of high drama, high stress and high hopes. Way too much to write in this puny blog. I have only 2 days left before I head to Geneva for the Motor Show. I desperately need to get out of Osaka for a few days- so in that sense I am really looking forward to it. I just wish international motor shows weren’t held in places like Detroit and Geneva; why can’t they be held in the Caribbean, South-Western Australia or Hawaii? Detroit, being the default birthplace of the modern motorcar I can understand. But Geneva? Does Switzerland even produce car parts? (let alone cars)
Something to ponder on my long flight.

My long, iPod-less flight. However am I going to survive? Am I doomed to listening to crappy inflight radio, reading the Economist, Time, Business Week, The IHT, and then falling asleep after 2 beers? Maybe I should take a novel. It’s about time I read the latest Nicholson Baker novel, “Checkpoint” again.

Anyway, I have another 3 sleeps to get through before I can start thinking about relaxing on aeroplanes.

Written by JK

February 25th, 2005 at 10:35 pm

Posted in Ramblings

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