
The official blog of Lotusball ™

One night in Bangkok

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Perhaps the cheesiest title for a blog post, ever, but true. We were actually only there for one night.

Wednesday Sept 29: Arrived in Bangkok at dawn. Took a taxi to our hotel, the Sukhotai. The hotel was great- not only is it one of the best-designed hotels I have ever seen, with amazing facilities and restaurants, the service was incredible. Quite a change from London. The hotel kindly let us check in 9 hours early (and also agreed to let us have a late check out too), I spent the time in the bath, and then took my newspapers outside where I sat by the pool, ate, drank, swam, read and slept like there was no tomorrow.
The next thing I remember was Taka waking me up at 12:30 telling me that we were meeting Chico at 13:00. We spent the rest of the afternoon being showed around shops, visiting showrooms and meeting designers.
Went to “Anna’s CafĂ©” for dinner. An interesting combination of genuine Thai food followed by Italian coffees and English desserts. We then went to the most amazing bar I have ever been too. Ever. A bar on the top of a 64 storey building. ON THE TOP. No roof. Only a one-metre high glass handrail between you and the pavement. I have never thought of myself as being acrophobic, but this bar was actually kind of unsettling. Very international, well-heeled crowd too. I felt right at home.

to be continued…

Written by JK

October 3rd, 2004 at 11:48 pm

Posted in Ramblings

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