
The official blog of Lotusball ™

Pretty hilarious

without comments

I thought the internet was supposed to free us. Or at least free information.

And to be fair, it sort of does. In some ways. I just came across a rather novel application of a company’s ability to leverage the power of the ‘net. Mizuho bank (Japan’s largest in terms of assets) has an online banking function available for those customers who sign up for it. I am one. It works pretty well- you can send money to people, check your balance, the usual stuff. But the hilarious thing is that you can only do it at certain times…



…which for those of you whose browsers don’t support Japanese means:

You can’t us internet banking during the following times:
Saturdays from 10pm to Sunday morning 8am
Sundays from 9pm to Monday morning 7am
The first and forth Saturdays of the month from 3pm to 5pm

There are also other sporadic, non-regular times when the service is unavailable. I guess now must be one of them, because it isn’t listed above.

I guess you can only shrug your shoulders and laugh.

Written by JK

September 19th, 2004 at 11:39 pm

Posted in Ramblings

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