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Lemon Jelly…

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… are a band I have been hearing a lot of lately. And they are really cool.

On Friday night I was at the Grand Cafe to see Derrick May DJ-ing and I remember thinking that only electronic music is evolving. The only really cool stuff being done in music these days is in the electronic field. Rock is still in that “bass-lead-rhythm-drums” thing which was probably pretty radical in the late ’50’s, but let’s face it, it’s fucking 2005 for goodness sake! I still listen to rock, and there are definitely some good singer/songwriters out there, but there’s an awful lot of dross too.

Hip-Hop is the only other area that comes to mind where people are being truly creative, and pushing the boundaries of not only what is musically acceptable, but also socially acceptable. And it’s only by pushing the social boundaries that we can ever culturally evolve.

But back to Lemon Jelly. You definitely need to do yourself a favour and check them out.

Written by JK

May 8th, 2005 at 4:22 am

Posted in Sounds

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