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Live Again

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Tsuki no wa and The Toyama  Ensemble were the two bands playing last night; and they were fantastic. Emotional, beautiful acoustic craft. I thought a lot about that comment I made about electronic music a few weeks ago. And I think that what I was trying to say was something like this: acoustic music works within pre-defined musical parameters. Electronic music is free to wander away from musical conventions and create rhythms, melodies or sounds which either don’t exist, or are impossible with extant “analogue” instruments.

So electronic music is an evolutionary engine; it’s electronic music that pushes us forward. Music produced with acoustic/analogue instruments doesn’t so much hasten us towards to the future as force us to contemplate the now.

And I think that’s a pretty important balance.

Shows such as “Migratory” (the concert last night in which the two bands above appeared) shock us with their beauty. Taking us to the darker areas of our souls where Top 40 Radio Pop (and perhaps even electronic music, too, for that matter) can never reach.

Here’s a picture:

Live Again (Toyama Takeo)

Written by JK

May 15th, 2005 at 4:15 am

Posted in Sounds

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