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Nokia Pics

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I am in Tokyo at the moment (again) and staying a dive in Shinjuku. With the most amazing hotel service I have ever experienced. Anyway, thought I would upload some of the pictures that were in my ‘phone, the trusty Nokia 6630.

As a communications device, this ‘phone is pretty good. Not remarkable, not bad, just OK. But as a camera, this ‘phone rocks. It rocks because of its limitations. Because of what it can’t do. Take a look at these pictures. All taken at night. At the Louis Vuitton Tokyo 2006 party. No flash. No editing with software. Just straight from the ‘phone’s memory to you.
I think some of them are pretty cool.

Written by JK

June 15th, 2006 at 4:51 am

Posted in Ramblings

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