
The official blog of Lotusball ™

Tokyo Auto Salon, 2010

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It’s been a few years since my last visit to the Tokyo Auto Salon, so I was really looking forward to seeing what had changed in the last few years.

And the result: not much.

The skimpily clad girls were just as skimpy as ever. As a result, the “camera kozo” were still out in force. The cars were as ridiculous as ever.

The only thing that had changed was the fact that a lot of companies were modifying the Toyota Prius.

Amongst all the pseudo eco-cars, I did find this absolute gem. A car upholstered with leather, on the outside!
(and even better, it wasn’t leather, it was vinyl!)

Leather Van

A red vinyl van, anyone?

Written by JK

January 24th, 2010 at 12:00 am

Posted in Ramblings

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