
The official blog of Lotusball ™


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It’s so quiet. Sunday night (well, Monday morning if you’re being pedantic about it) and it’s just before three am. I am winding down for the night. I have been sitting in front of this computer since I woke up at eleven thirty-four this morning. I have eaten four mandarins, taken two showers, one bath (with ten drops of tea tree essential oil) eaten two hot meals (one with pasta, one with brown rice) and spoken on the ‘phone to three people, text chatted to two people, and had a voice chat (via iChat) with one person. I created two spreadsheets, sent more than a dozen emails and coordinated three of my jobs. Part of it involved my overseas schedule for the rest of the year, and I realised I am probably going to be away for about a fifth of the year.

And now I am really hungry again. I think it’s time for bed.

Written by JK

January 24th, 2005 at 10:18 pm

Posted in Ramblings

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