
The official blog of Lotusball ™

Another (not so) silent night

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Another night, another 2am sitting in front of my mac.

But it is made all the more sweeter by Nick Cave. I suddenly remembered the song “Foi Na Cruz” from the “Good Son” album and I just had to hear it. Since then, I have been on a bit of a Cave-a-thon. This chap rocks.

So yesterday I got home at 4am. The night before I was working (right here) until 4am. The night before I was working until 5am. The night before I got home at 5:30am. Since I met N my life has become a bizarre collage of colour, faces, cocktails, music and people mixed with cold winter air- I am in the midst of a whirlwind and I don’t know where it’s taking me. Well, on Sunday it’s going to take me to Tokyo, that as much, I know. I met another 9 people today. 9 more names to remember. I am going to have to get my Buzan book back from Simon so that I can re-read the chapter on how to remember people.

This is getting too much.

Written by JK

January 15th, 2005 at 10:09 pm

Posted in Ramblings

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