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What a couple of days.
I am now on the Stansted Express heading from the airport back to London. I just had a couple of days in Glasgow. Got up stupidly early on Friday morning (almost didn’t even wake up) and found my way to the airport. Arrived at Glasgow around 11am, to rain, mist and biting cold. Met Gillian for lunch in The Lighthouse (where I had a meeting later on) and ate a pretty tasty burger made from Italian sausage:

Lunch at Glasgow's "The Lighthouse"

Lunch at Glasgow's "The Lighthouse"

The food wasn’t the only great thing at The Lighthouse. The view from the top was also pretty fine, and quite unbelievably the sun suddenly started shining! And continued to do so for 2 hours!

Sunny Glasgow

Sunny Glasgow

And the sun just kept shining

And the sun just kept shining

Spent the rest of the afternoon working before meeting up with Andrew and Gillian again later that evening for an after-work drink. Managed to get the Christmas feeling thanks to this:

The Princes Centre Christmas Tree

The Princes Centre Christmas Tree

and this:

And more Christmas decorations

And more Christmas decorations

After our sundowner, we all headed back to their place for a wonderfully relaxing and filling dinner of Fajitas. We all crashed pretty much soon after that, woke up this morning and had the best breakfast of 2004 (as chosen by Food Critic magazine). We then got into the car and toured some of the local sites including a pretty amazing automated canal lock.

…I will post the pics later when I have a chance…

Written by JK

December 12th, 2004 at 12:45 am

Posted in Ramblings

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