
The official blog of Lotusball ™

Digital minutiae

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I leave for London tomorrow. Will be away for about 10 days. (notice to thieves: there is a vicious dog in my house, so, err, don’t break in while I am gone. Or you’ll regret it)

Anyway, the pre-trip preparation doesn’t consist of making sure I have 6 pairs each of socks and undies, clean T-shirts etc, this time my pre-trip preparation is more like this:

Have I synced my Bluetooth phone with my address book? Do I have my iBook data mirrored on my Desktop? Is iBlog set to work from my iBook? Is my Clie up to date and ready to go? Do I have all my relevant sim cards, Bluetooth adapters, rechargers, power-cables? Is my London number working properly? Is it diverting calls to voice-mail? Do I have my firewire cable ready in case our office doesn’t have a router and I have to do IP over firewire?

When did all this happen? Travel didn’t used to be like this.

Written by JK

December 4th, 2004 at 12:39 am

Posted in Ramblings

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