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It’s Friday evening, November 12. Just after 18:00. I am sitting on my balcony enjoying the end of my fine Japanese whisky, a very long cigar, the spooky green lights on the ferris wheel and the Cafe Bleu album by The Style Council. This album has a couple of eighties moments, but the rest of it is so perfectly timeless it brings tears to my eyes. Perfect pop is a phrase I seldom bandy around, but indulge me as I use it now. This album is as close to perfect pop as anyone has ever gotten.

So what else is new (or old, as is the case with my cigar, whisky and this album)?

It was a pretty action-packed week and it absolutely flew by. Work- and this week that was only graf- went well but we are at a turning point I think as far as my future with them goes. I am probably going to be in Europe again at the end of this month (and the beginning of the next) if I get the go ahead for the project I am working on. On Monday we are all (the 27 members of graf) off to Ishikwawa and Fukui Prefectures for a couple of days of madness. I am looking forward to it. I think the best bit is that we are chartering a bus with a “companion” and karaoke. Just thinking about it puts a smile on my face.

The other stuff that happened this week was that my girlfriend finally got up the courage to dump me- but hilariously chose to do it via email. And from her work email account at that!
I thought she had a little more class than to do that, but, heck, you can’t be right about people all the time.

The other stunning news was that Mr Bush become President of the world again. And then Mr Arafat died.

This week may not so much mark a turning point in my own life, but rather, for the whole world. I guess we’ll have to see what happens now. I am optimistic about my my own future- but sadly I can’t say the same for world affairs.

Written by JK

November 12th, 2004 at 12:27 am

Posted in Ramblings

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