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Mork calling Orson

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Thanks to this site , I just watched the pilot episode of “Mork and Mindy”.

Nanoo nanoo!

Nanoo nanoo!

I was completely overcome with nostalgia, and remembered myself wearing an itchy wool dressing gown over my flannel pyjamas, sitting down with my brother to watch the weekly episode. The sets, the jeep, the music shop, Mindy’s father- it was almost too much.

For a few moments I was eight years old again.

But Lordy Belgrano, what complete nonsense! How my parents could have tolerated me watching such a ridiculous TV show I will never know. Maybe standards were different back then. At least the show was non-violent, devoid of (overt) sexuality and moral (whatever that may mean). But I guess for better or for worse, I am now the sum of all the TV shows I have ever watched.

Perhaps it’s quite different from TV now. What do today’s eight year old boys watch on television?

I am trying to imagine whether I will ever permit a television in my home. And if I were to have a son, who would presumably become eight years old at some stage, how would I entertain him? Somafm? Wired? Jazz guitar? Perhaps I could just let him watch my archive of DivX 80’s television shows. At least there would be no commercials.

Written by JK

October 7th, 2004 at 12:00 am

Posted in Ramblings

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