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More death

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So the Russians, after being warned by a demoralised, exhausted and pretty pissed off group of Chechen Freedom Fighters (sorry, I won’t be referring to them as terrorists on this page) that military action would be highly inadvisable, still, quite inexplicably, stormed the school. Said freedom fighters are getting pretty skilled now- they are starting to get an idea for how far they can push the Russians, and thanks to their previous defeats (such as the Moscow theatre siege) they are also getting more skilled and ambitious.
I have only read the BBC website’s news coverage of this story; I haven’t seen any TV footage or read about it in any other sources, so I am now going to refrain from making any snap judgments about this.
It is interesting however, to read the snap judgments of others. I don’t want to jump to any conclusions (after all, conclusion jumping is hardly my job and something at which I seldom excel) but I did notice that people who posted from countries of The Coalition of the Willing ™ were quick to post rather hackneyed and predictable “opinions”.

Interesting, I thought to myself. It’s just such a pity and so sad that in a couple of months it’ll all happen again.

Written by JK

September 4th, 2004 at 10:48 pm

Posted in Ramblings

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