
The official blog of Lotusball ™

Blog hoaxes

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I just read this interesting article on the International Herald Tribune’s website. It talks about the phenomenon of hoax blogs. The Bill Clinton blog mentioned in the story is definitely worth a look (you’ll have to read the IHT article to get the link yourself).

It’s hilarious. Most of it is plausible, but blog’s achilles heel is the poor writing- in particular the poor grammar. Anyone else, sure, you’d let it slip. But this is Bill Clinton for Pete’s sake. Mr Clinton surely could never write something like:

“I haven’t slept all night. I couldn’t. I got out of bed at 3 am and played online poker till 7 to ease my mind. I lost 5 dollars. A woman from Wisconsin took the pot. First time I lost to a woman. That’s not true. I lost to Julia Roberts at a game a few years ago in Hollywood. I remember that very well. Julia met Lyle Lovett there that night. She married him a few days later. Her luck ran out.

Written by JK

July 31st, 2004 at 9:57 pm

Posted in Ramblings

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