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Biere blonde

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The best decision I made today was to have a beer with my breakfast. I am off today, I have to do domestic stuff, but it’s such a lovely day I decided to make an omelette, and enjoy it on my balcony with a white beer and my iBook.

It’s a pity I only had one beer and one omelette.

A long weekend is coming up- usually long weekends mean nothing to me since I am pretty much working all the time. This time, however, I have decided to take the Saturday, Sunday and Monday off. I am not going to do any work stuff. No responses to work emails. This weekend is dedicated to me. Ha! I even have a special out-of-town visitor to entertain. Should be a fun three days.

Hey, it’ll be lunch time soon. I think I ought to buy some beers.

Written by JK

July 16th, 2004 at 9:23 pm

Posted in Ramblings

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