
The official blog of Lotusball ™

Saturday ramblings

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It’s already after 8pm on Saturday evening. What did I do today?

I slept in. I had a leisurely brunch. I read Adbusters in bed. I had a shower, stretched, put on some dirty clothes and rode my bike 10km to the gym. Took a one hour jacuzzi. Sauna, bath, shower and all that. Drank some protein jelly. Rode 10km back home. Cursed the fools who walk their dogs in the bicycle lane. Bought an enormous biscotti, a beef curry donut and a cheese-sausage roll from a tasty, yet tired and old, bakery called “Montpassant”. The bread was only 240 yen.

Speaking of money, that tired old report came up again the other day in which the most expensive cities in the world are ranked. How on earth could Osaka be the second most expensive city (after Tokyo)? What the hell are the criteria for this ranking? I guess if the criteria are things like the cost of energy, the cost of expat housing, and the cost of 5 star hotel French restaurant dinners, then, yeah, Osaka is pretty expensive. But for ordinary people, and ordinary living, Osaka (and Japan for that matter) is not such an expensive place to live. The last time I was in the UK I nearly had a heart attack when I saw how much the cost of transport, food, accommodation and utilities were. How people survive over there I will never know.

And I will leave you with this. Get hold of the “Welcome Back Kotter” theme song. You’ll be glad you did.

Written by JK

June 26th, 2004 at 9:01 pm

Posted in Ramblings

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