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Silver lining

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The great thing about having to stay at home and convalesce is that you get time to do the things you’ve been meaning to do for ages. Namely, reinstall your system software, and do lots of geeky things to your computers. Thanks to this, my iBook is feeling much more responsive too, which can’t be a bad thing. As I have complained many times, OS X 10.4 seemed to be a de-evolutionary step, but it seems that a good spring cleaning brings performance back to a 10.3 level.

Anyway, I can now clench my left fist, hold a glass, typing doesn’t kill me anymore, and I am well on my way to recovery. Thank goodness. Anyway, I had better get going because Disk Warrior is rebuilding directory data on my desktop computer, and I think it needs my attention.

Written by JK

May 27th, 2006 at 1:49 pm

Posted in Ramblings

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