
The official blog of Lotusball ™

Archive for the ‘Ramblings’ Category

By jove!

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I may have enabled the Read More link (which I renamed as “Permalink”) to appear at the bottom of each post! It seems that the last 4 hours were not in vain after all.
It’s a beautiful afternoon, I am feeling pretty much human again, and I have to go to graf soon.

Written by JK

July 26th, 2004 at 9:36 pm

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How do I get back?

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The post where Aloysius tells of his anguish.
When this blog first started (I think it was in March) I was a little overwhelmed by the difficulty of iBlog. Sure, it’s simple to use in its default settings, but trying to change anything was very hit and miss. And the documentation was (and still is) poor.

I am sure that at the beginning, each posting was post-pended with a “read more”, category and “email me” link, but now, for some reason, all I have is the category. How the hell do I get back to the standard config?
Anyone? Anyone?

Written by JK

July 26th, 2004 at 9:35 pm

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I just remembered that Tris gave me a tube of Berocca. I just had one. I can feel myself getting better already.
Cheers, Tris.

Written by JK

July 26th, 2004 at 9:35 pm

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The human body is pretty remarkable. I am just recovering from yesterday’s annual Flounder’s Editors Conference (FEC) during which an astonishing amount of liquor was consumed.
My usual method of recovery involves a cola beverage and a bento; usually tonkatsu or karaage with curry. Today was a diet coke and a karaage curry bento. I feel sated. And I actually do feel better. Kinda.

I keep remembering certain things from yesterday. I remember trying to call Matt (I don’t know what time it was, and I think we certainly hadn’t thought of the time difference) but for some reason not being able to get through. Or maybe we were connected, but were just too drunk to actually realise we had someone at the other end of the line.

Anyway, I am finding it rather difficult to concentrate.

Written by JK

July 26th, 2004 at 9:33 pm

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Long weekends

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The weekend just gone was definitely one of my top 3 weekends of all time. But it passed by so quickly. I was given a glimpse of paradise and then the doors were slammed in my face. But I guess a glimpse is better than no glimpse, right?

Also became a member of this club which is highly recommended. They’re having a party this weekend, and then closing (and moving) the following week. I look forward to the new venue, and my next visit.

Written by JK

July 21st, 2004 at 9:24 pm

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Biere blonde

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The best decision I made today was to have a beer with my breakfast. I am off today, I have to do domestic stuff, but it’s such a lovely day I decided to make an omelette, and enjoy it on my balcony with a white beer and my iBook.

It’s a pity I only had one beer and one omelette.

A long weekend is coming up- usually long weekends mean nothing to me since I am pretty much working all the time. This time, however, I have decided to take the Saturday, Sunday and Monday off. I am not going to do any work stuff. No responses to work emails. This weekend is dedicated to me. Ha! I even have a special out-of-town visitor to entertain. Should be a fun three days.

Hey, it’ll be lunch time soon. I think I ought to buy some beers.

Written by JK

July 16th, 2004 at 9:23 pm

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King of pizza

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Yesterday was a lot of fun. The Dieci crew came over for dinner and ended up staying until 02:30. Now that’s what I call a dinner party. Sakata played bossanova on my guitar which totally blew me away. I knew that he could play the guitar, I just didn’t know that he could play the guitar. If you know what I mean. It was the first time that such beautiful melodies were produced by my guitar.

Written by JK

July 14th, 2004 at 9:21 pm

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The gentle swaying motion of the train…

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I’m on a train, heading back to Osaka from Kyoto. Just finished watching the movie “Minority Report”, and I have to say, I was pretty impressed.

I seem to remember it getting a pretty bad rap when it was released and a lot of my friends gave it a pretty lukewarm reception, but I really liked it considering it was a huge spectacle with lots of famous people in it. The future aspect of it (of course, with it being set in the year 2054, there was a heavy future aspect) was what most excited me. Silent highways, personal propulsion devices, retina scanners all over town, targeted advertising, talking holograms in shops like the Gap welcoming you back and trying to get you buy more tanktops (or whatever it was you bought the last time you were there). That sort of stuff can *only* come true, surely.

Anyway, I am in a bit of a panic. I have to make pizza dough when I get home, prepare a lasagne, clean my apartment (this is a major job… Take a look at the first post of this blog to get an idea of the state it is in now) and do some work-related stuff before 20:00. I also need to go to the supermarket to buy more ingredients too.

I am listening to the latest Strokes album at the moment- and for a first time listen it is pretty good. I guess this also means that something so familiar the first time you hear it becomes tired pretty quickly. I hope not. It would be nice to have this kicking around the heavy rotation playlist for a few months.

Written by JK

July 12th, 2004 at 9:20 pm

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What a spectacular storm.
I just witnessed the amazing lightning show I have ever seen. And as quickly as it came, it passed. We’re now back to clear skies.

Ever have that feeling that is akin to complete panic, a sense of helplessness, being lost and feeling guilty; all at the same time? Like when you realise just how much stuff has to be done in the next 18 hours. And while, ever the optimist, you believe it is possible, wonder how on earth it is going to happen, and where you should start?


Oh, well, forget it then.

Maybe I should a draw a bath, and soak on it.

Written by JK

July 10th, 2004 at 9:19 pm

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Binoculars as zoom lens

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I tried using my compact binoculars as a zoom lens for the Sony Cyber-shot I am borrowing at the moment. You can see the results yourself, below.
An interesting effect, but nowhere near as good as when I look through the binoculars myself.

Interesting that what the camera sees, and what I see, are two totally different things.
There’s a thought to take out for dinner on this lovely Monday afternoon.

The binocular view

The binocular view

Written by JK

July 5th, 2004 at 9:17 pm

Posted in Ramblings