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Scene from a fictional movie

with 5 comments

Character A: He’s got a roast beef!

Character B: That ain’t a roast beef, this is a roast beef!

Roast beef at J&M house

Roast beef at J&M house

Written by JK

January 8th, 2009 at 12:54 am

Posted in Ramblings

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5 Responses to 'Scene from a fictional movie'

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  1. […] Goodness gracious me, I thought. And there I was thinking of the roast beef (see my previous post here) that I just wrote […]

  2. That is impressive … I’m very jealous! And is that the wedding china?


    10 Jan 09 at 09:06

  3. Oh, I see what’s happened. You think J&M house is my house, right? Sorry, a different J&M. But it could well be their wedding china.
    Man, that was a bloody good roast beef… The beef was farmgate trackable, too. We knew that the cow was born in Okinawa, raised in Kyushu, and slaughtered in Kobe at the age of 2 years, 6 months.


    10 Jan 09 at 23:42

  4. Oops, not James and Momoko then … 😉


    15 Jan 09 at 07:17

  5. Jay and Maki


    15 Jan 09 at 11:01

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