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Archive for the ‘Ramblings’ Category

An idea

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What if I put the CSS files and templates that I want to use into the appropriate iBlog folder, then do a “get info” on them and lock them. Then they won’t be able to be overwritten. Would this preserve my styles? Will anyone answer me?

Written by JK

June 25th, 2004 at 9:00 pm

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In vain

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It was in vain. My cool styles seem to have been reset to the factory defaults. Looks like I am going to have to read the manual.

Written by JK

June 25th, 2004 at 9:00 pm

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The rain falls

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Well it was too good to last. Or perhaps I spoke too soon. It started raining about an hour ago, and it has that “relentless, I’m-gonna-rain-all-night” air about it.
Which may put a damper on my trip the moutains next Monday and Tuesday.
Ah well, しかたがないですね。

Written by JK

June 19th, 2004 at 8:58 pm

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Photochemical smog

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Who said pollution is bad? You seen any of the sunsets in Osaka lately?
I forgot to photo-document them, but the other day I did take this picture. It isn’t one of the best, but it gives you an idea of what I see everday out of my window.

The Tenpozan ferris wheel from my balcony

The Tenpozan ferris wheel from my apartment

Written by JK

June 19th, 2004 at 8:55 pm

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The rainy season

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So June already. The last half, even. And while we are supposed to be deep into the infernal rainy season, Osaka, at least, has been fine and bright every day. How odd, and a little troubling. Next Monday and Tuesday I am going on my company’s “staff trip” to some mountains in Kyoto prefecture where we will stay in log cabins and do wild stuff. I just have a feeling that it’s going to become wet and muddy stuff.
Ah, and I was so looking forward to sitting outside in the sun with a couple of friends and a couple of cold beers, before slipping into the outside onsen rotenburo.

Written by JK

June 19th, 2004 at 8:53 pm

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The Philippines

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The local transport

The local transport

Another idea that has crossed my mind frequently over the last few weeks is that I should go and live in The Philippines. Not forever (at least not at this stage) but for a few months. I am trying to work out the logistics of such a move. What would happen to my apartment in Japan? Would it be worth continuing the lease (but paying my high rent even when I am not here) or should I become a nomad?
Sell 95% of my possessions, put the rest in a backpack and head off to where the baluk is fresh, the beer flows freely and the peoples’ smiles never fade.
What would I do? Would I have to do anything?

Written by JK

June 9th, 2004 at 8:50 pm

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A few observations

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I ate pasta with a salmon cream, but I had forgotten just how sick I feel after eating cream.
I feel kind of sick. I ate pasta with a salmon cream, but I had forgotten just how sick I feel after eating cream. Anyway, as I contemplate whether to throw up or not, some other things that crossed my mind were as follows:
1. Youth is everything
2. Donnie Darko is amazing
3. Blogs are great- but only if practiced daily.

Written by JK

June 9th, 2004 at 8:49 pm

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Lovely Days

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Today was perfect. Sunny, mild and bright. And warm.
I seemed to spend most of the day in a bit of a daze though. It was rather a tough weekend.
Anyway, I made the most of the beautiful weather by doing lots of chores. I think I need a beer. Good bye.

Written by JK

March 29th, 2004 at 8:48 pm

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What a mess

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A very messy room

A very messy room

Written by JK

March 26th, 2004 at 8:45 pm

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